Saturday, September 8, 2012


             This year is a very special year. Not just because we have an election coming up, but because some students from my class (class of 2013) are eligible to vote. One of them is me. I'll be turning 18 in September, and I'm learning about politics more than ever. I have to classes that talk about the election of 2012 almost every day. My Government class and my AP Lang class. Yesterday and today, my government class was in lab rooms. We went to and we had to answer a few questions on many issues, like immigration, healthcare, taxes, environment, and so on. When we were finished, we went to had a look at our results. I wasn’t surprised at all. Most of my answers leaned towards the green party, I believe it was called. Also known as the neutral party. When I looked at the results between Republicans and Democratic, my results went towards Democrats a lot more. I’ve always favored Democrats anyway.

In my opinion, the thing I’m about to tell you is very cool. Every morning at the start of my first period my teacher asks us if we have any questions about something we watched on the news last night or just something about the election/politics that we have been wondering about. He answers them quite brilliantly and very wordy.  There are only a few people who ask every day, but it manages to take up a good 5-10 minutes of class, which is obviously nice.  

I watched Romney’s speech around a week ago and I thought it was a little strange. It was indeed my first time watching an acceptance speech but that was not one of the things I thought was strange. We talked about the strange thing in my Advanced Placement Economics class, it was the fact that the Romney's audience only consisted of white people, there might have been a few black or Latino people, but almost probably, from my view consisted of 99% white people. While on the Democratic side, there was everybody. Almost every race came to see Obama. I thought that was really cool to be honest. The Republicans can stick to there one school way, individualized and the reason why we got into this economic mess in the first place. Democrats will continue on the path they believe and try to move us in the right direction, the way to create new jobs to help the country.

Bill Clinton's speech was stunning and absolutely genius, I'm sure most of us can agree to that. He's speech was around forty nine minutes and I watched the whole entire thing on youtube, stunned. Sure, I haven't seen many speeches and this is my first time actually paying attention to the presidential election, but the speech was inspirational. I don't feel like Clinton was taking sides for the most part, he just believed that the Democrats are setting us up in the right direction to create new jobs instead of losing more jobs. My favorite part from the speech is when he said that none other president before him or himself could of dug America out of that hole in four years. I believe Obama did great but it wasn't very noticeable to everyone in America. Although the audience kept clapping when Clinton was trying to speak, I thought he earned all of those claps. 

A while ago, me and my friends get stuck on the topic of politics sometimes. We talked about how Obama hasn't done much for this country, we thought he was very inactive. Obviously, most of us didn't watch the news everyday and focused on them. 

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