Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Post, Introducing Myself

        What's up guys? Starting today, I'll be writing blogs regularly because of my AP Lang class! I"m a senior in high school and working really hard to graduate. I have about 2-3 hours of homework each day after school because I'm taking 6 classes this term, and 3 of them are AP classes. AP Econ, AP Japanese and obviously this one, AP Lang. We've only been in school for about a week now, but things are already starting to heat up with all the assignments, tests, etc.  My goal by the end of my senior year is to 100% prepare myself for college next fall.

           One thing about myself is that I'm easily inspired. Which is a great thing, in my opinion. I get inspired in tennis, video editing, presentations, anime, manga, books, movies, etc. I talk about those much more in depth after a few more posts. Inspiration helps me work a lot harder towards a goal that I set myself. I usually aim to go way past that goal, no matter how difficult it is. Sure, there are many obstacles everyone has to go through to achieve that certain goal that they set themselves or someone else sets for them, but setting that goal isn't the limit, we can go farther. Before summer, I set a lot of goals for myself involving tennis, my most favorite sport in existence. I had a lot of things to work on because during tennis season, i lost several double matches and I also lost 1 out of 3 single matches. I hate losing more then anything. To be honest, I don't really mind losing in doubles too much, but if it's in singles when there's only one person standing in front of me across the net, I can't afford to lose. Winning 2 out of the 3 singles during the tennis season at my school wasn't too bad to be honest. The one I lost was also very close.

                There are many people who help me in my life. My mom, dad, friends, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandpa, grandma, and my little brother. All of them have helped me out in so many different ways.  Whether it's inspiration or happiness, I'm thankful they are in my life.

So that pretty much raps up my introduction before starting the blogs! I hope you will enjoy reading my bloggies, while I might read some of yours!

Sincerely, Setsu


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